May 15, 2011 The jury of Roman Sejkot, Jiri Jaskmanicky and Tomas Pospiszyl viewed the pictures and decided, which were the best ones.
May 13, 2011 Grand Prize Awarded Lukas Maxmilian Hueller from Austria and Czech holder of 2nd prize in Motions Series category
Petr Sigut were introduced during a press conference held in Prague on May 13, 2011.
Jury member Roman Sejkot is seen on the last photo, right, Contest President Radek Burda on the first, left.
May 13, 2011 Many notable Czech photographic and gallery authorities participated in the ceremony of awarding
May 13, 2011 Many notable Czech photographic and gallery authorities participated in the ceremony of awarding
the Photo Annual Awards 2011 contest winners, which took place in representative premises of Municipal Council in Prague.
Remember Date! ___ May 30, 2015
Opening Ceremony&Wall Gallery
Teplice Spa
Opening Ceremony&Wall Gallery
Teplice Spa
Vítězové minulých ročníků: | Obrazová galerie z vyhlašování: |
ročník 2011 | ročník 2011 |
ročník 2012 | ročník 2012 |
ročník 2013 | ročník 2013 |
ročník 2014 | ročník 2014 |
ročník 2015 | ročník 2015 |
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