ONLINE SUBMISSIONS ONLY : To enter your submissions electronically, please visit and register. Once the registration process has been completed, you will receive an e-mail confirmation. Simply log in to the Photo Annual Award contest site, and follow the online instructions to upload images from your computer. Images formatted as a JPEG measuring with min 1,000 pixels on its long dimension and 72 DPI are required. Images may be color profiled in sRGB, Adobe-1998 or not color-managed.
Submitted materials will not be returned.
JUDGING: Entries will be judged on the basis of creativity, photographic quality and effectiveness in expressing the contest theme. Winners will be published in the May 2015.
Submission of an entry to the contest automatically constitutes the contestant's acceptance of all conditions set forth in the above rules. It also acknowledges the right of PhotoAnnualAwards to use the entry for publication on and in exhibitions and promotions related to the PhotoAnnualAwards contest.
Entries not complying with the rules set forth above will be disqualified.
Opening Ceremony&Wall Gallery
Teplice Spa
Vítězové minulých ročníků: | Obrazová galerie z vyhlašování: |
ročník 2011 | ročník 2011 |
ročník 2012 | ročník 2012 |
ročník 2013 | ročník 2013 |
ročník 2014 | ročník 2014 |
ročník 2015 | ročník 2015 |
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